Expansion plans

We've had a fantastic time over the past four years, researching, building and displaying our extended Lego Town Plan display.  We've displayed the set twice in Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra during 2017 and 2018. While we take a break from travelling, we might work on some ideas for expanding the display.



We have dozens of buildings to design, where do we start to plan the display and find inspiration? The answer may lie with vintage ‘named’ Lego bricks.

Large Buildings

To mirror the large buildings on the opposite (existing) side of the display we’ll design four or five large-scale building based on real-life modernist architecture.

Medium Buildings

We’ll turn our attention to filling the new baseboards. We have 14 spaces on the board, two or three of these need to be mid-scale to balance out the display. We’ll start with these…

Small Buildings

Now our large and medium buildings are locked in, we’ll need to start thinking about the smaller buildings.


Final plans

What will our new buildings look like laid out in display form? We’ll use Stud.io to see how it will all work out if we proceed…